Sep 30, 2011


"What is my career i am asked ?
I can only answer each day
what it is that i do
To find the thread that weaves within
there perhaps lies a clue..

As i walk down the road, who might come my way -
Person, plant or animal; many gone astray.
Some in search of work or food, some in search of wealth,
All a mirror for us to see the search for love and health ...

I might ask - really there is no choice - how is it that i may serve,
The task at times seems so great, I search to have the nerve.
To offer time to those in need, to ask about their dream,
For I Support those hearts who seek the spirit of a team.

But how, when there are so many?
How to be with all the needs of the planet
seems to hold?
I can only listen for the dream as it 
will unfold.
To try to make a difference would surely
wear me down,
To seek the teachers and the course can
take one round and round ...

But ask, just ask, what i can do and the answer's 
always there -
Perhaps it is a way to pass by the road of great despair;
And the course it is discovered, as the river flows,
The rocks become but opportunities for some yes's
and some no's.

Money to those who hear the dream that is quite 
deep inside,
Patience and love to those who fear there's
something still to hide;
My hands might serve the wounded, my sound the hard to hear,
My smile those mourning members who only know
a tear -
Silence comes with those who think they know or try to save, or preach,
Open arms to find all the ways that each of us
may teach.

For the gift, the gift it is to listen, give where 
there is need -
What's asked for can be a guide - a flower
or a weed;
The job becomes so simple, the river flows along,
The wave we ride, the chance with life - to be a 
note within a song ..." - Gigi Coyle